
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Lately I've been struggling with finding enough TIME... Sure as a mom, our lives are filled with verious tasks of motherhood, carpool, afterschool sports, field trips. This just sort of snuck up on me. I was doing good. I thought I was doing good. And then BAM! It hit me! satan has a way to attack me, for sure. he knows what will get us down...

This morning, as I was getting ready to leave for a MOPS Steering Team Meeting, a book on my shelf really stuck out to me. Sort of like it was glowing and saying "pick me!" I picked it up on the way to the bathroom. It was titled "Amazing Freedom." A book by the lovely ladies from the Women of Faith Conference. {Which I am supposed to be going to this weekend.} I started reading the devotional chapter titled "Freedom from Busyness." I didn't get to finish it, and ended up rushing out the door, late, to MOPS.

When I got home, I preceeded to get in a depressed funk about all that I had to do before I would be ready to go to the conference. It ended with me sobbing in the kitchen to my husband about how I was sorry our house was such a mess and how I don't know how to keep {some areas- like the dining room table} clean. I texted my mother and told her I wasn't going to go to the conference, there was too much to do and I couldn't leave my husband with this mess. She called me and tried to encourage me and cheer me up. I listened for a few minutes, then told her I was having a nervous breakdown and I had to go. I hung up.

My husband had to leave, and as he did, I felt the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit, leading me to sit down right then and read my Bible. I now remembered the last thing I told my husband as I was getting into the car this morning. "I missed my time with Jesus this morning. I really needed it. I can already tell."

So as I sat at my kitchen table, piled HIGH with treasures, trinkets, and trash, I remembered a sweet friend telling me earlier in the week about a great time in the Word from Galatians 5. I felt that's where the Lord wanted me to read.

The Word lept off the page and into my overwhelmed heart, and aching head. The chapter's title was "Freedom of the Gospel." What are you saying Lord? I read down further.

"So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again.... But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to recieve by faith the righteousness God has primised to us.... What is important is faith expressing itself in love. You were running the race so well. Who has help you back from following the truth? It certainly isn't God, for He is the One who called you to freedom. This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough!... For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters...So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives... The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. ...Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit's leading in every part of our lives. ~Galatians 5:1,5-7,13,16,22-23,25

Earlier, the song "Nothing's Gonna Hold Me Back" by Jesus Culture was in the back of my mind. The lyrics that the Holy Spirit had playing on rerun in my head go right along with this.

My chains fell off. My heart was free. I'm alive to live for you. Amazing love how can this be? You gave everything for me. Nothing's gonna hold me back. No, nothings gonna hold me back.

The important thing is faith being expressed in LOVE. As a mom, I have the opportunity to share God's love in a real and very tangible way, in the way that I show His love to my children, and raise them. I also believe this is what He's called us to do in the world as well. He wants us to live our faith by loving others. I can do this!

He gives is His Holy Spirit to guide our lives. When He is guiding our lives, you will live a life that is producing the gifts of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. Mind you, I know that I need the Holy Spirit to show up daily to help me and guide me. But His Word says that He will. His Word also says that I have been called to live in freedom He has called to me. To me. Little ol' me.

When I feel overwhelmed with my stuff and very much like a failure, His unfailing love overwhelmes me. It washes away the dirt and crud that satan would have me drown in. His amazing love. His awesome sacrifice. He gave everything for me. He set me free!

He is the One who has called you to freedom. ~Galatians 5: 7b
Don't forget it! Be encouraged today!

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