What to do when the weather has ruined your plans?? Recently our area in Northeast Pennsylvania was hit with several sudden tornadoes. We do not usually have that sort of weather. In fact, I've been known to say to my husband before, things along the lines of: "That's why we live up north! There are NO such things as tornadoes up here!" Boy was I in for a rude awakening. In our town and the two closest towns south of us, just little dots on the local map, don't even think they all make on the Rands map...surely on the good ol' internet... we were all hit by tornadoes. The storms just started. Right in the middle of the Bloss Coal Festival. I had so wanted to take my kids there this year, but I completely forgot about the dates, and did not read the paper. I am thankful that I didn't. HUGE trees are complately torn up out of the ground. Roots exposed, trees like fallen heros. Some cracked in half, halfway up. Tress on houses and cards. Electrical wires hit too. Power out for 3 to 5 days. People lost everything in their fridges. I'm very thankful to my brother, who works for a company in the gas field. He was able to borrow 3 generators. He saved my fridge and freezer, my parents, and the local coffee shops fridges. Don't know what we'd do without coffee!!!!
As I reflect on that storm, and the very small one today, that ruined plans then, and now, I realize that I am so thankful to be safe, my family and I. So thankful to a Creator who holds us in the palm of His hand and will cover us with His protection. That makes me think of His promise in His Word:
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." ~ Proverbs 18:10
When we call on His name, we are safe. He will protect us. Thank you Jesus. For your salvation, and for your ever present help in times of trouble.
I shall attempt to stain my deck over the next 3 days, when the chance of precipitation is 10% or less! For now, I will go spend some cuddle time with my kiddos.
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