
Friday, July 8, 2011

What.A.Day. I am so very glad to be home. It's been very busy. So busy I'm struggling to remember what I did this morning, let alone what I was doing before I got sucked into this things called facebook, blogger, ie THE INTERNET. We went to my mother's for breakfast. it was very nice. then went home to get some things done. Supposively around the house...but definately on the computer. {sigh} Are there dishes still in my sink? Yup. Did it rain on the clothes that I DID actually put on the line this morning? Yup. UGG. Oh great. Just realized that's my mattress cover on there. I hate it when that happens. Hubby doesn't like to remake the bed, after just making it. But I guess I'd better get that dry so I can sleep in my bed.

My mother and I took the kids shopping. They were good. Little Man was GREAT! I can't believe how good he was! AMAZING! The girls did pretty well too, although Middle Princess had difficulty listening to the FIRST TIME INSTRUCTIONS. Therefore Mommy spoke them on REPEAT, which was annoying for her and all others within earshot. {sigh}

I GOT A BATHING SUIT! Sort of a big deal. Since I have un-grown my old one. A word which means, that I have gotten TOO SMALL for it! And therefore am frightened to wear it in public, for fear that when it gets wet, I will find myself quite bathing suitless and that would NOT BE PRETTY. Not for all the innocent people in the pool. And the poor poor babies. I had an interesting time trying to find something, since it is JULY, and 95% of all bathing suits ARE SOLD OUT! UGG! I ended up going the creative route. I will have to let you know how it goes after the first time of swimming in it.

We ate dinner at Sam's Club. Not something I'd like to do OFTEN. However, it did save LOTS of money and was very FAST! Which I like, AND we got to do a DRIVE BY SHOPPING spree where I was able to get CHICKEN, and fruits and veggies IN BULK and SHARE with mother. SCORE!

All three little monkeys were sleeping by the time we reached my final destination. Got the two youngest in the house. Then SWORE I saw my oldest walking around in the living room. Went upstairs to put the little ones down. Couldn't find oldest Little Miss. YELLING all over the house AND outside for her... I found her. Smirking on the couch, "SLEEPING". What really aggrivated me? The fact that she had a melt down saying that she didn't hear us. I know she heard us. The SMIRK on her face told me so. VERY NOT HAPPY DADDY spoke to her regarding her little prank. Maybe if we hadn't been so tired, we would have seen the funny in it. I'm sure tomorrow we will laugh. Tonight we prayed for them and kissed them and tucked them in.

Jesus please give us grace and mercy as we parent these precious GIFTS.

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