
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Tioga Co. Fair

We took the kids to the fair. Twice. One day with friends and another day with Grandma. Little Man rode the DRAGONS! And my big girls rode the Gravatron AND the Tilt-A-Whirl!! (At least that's what they were called back in my day. Now, they do not have names. I wonder why??!) They have grown so much, this summer, and I cannot escape that fact, even at the FAIR!
We had so much fun visiting the barns with goats, pigs, cows and the latest addition to the fair: CHICKENS! Had lots of fun taking pictures of the kids, and looking at things artistically, an attempting to take some neat pictures.

Birthday Party Fun

We went to a birthday party. The little girl is 15 days apart from Middle Miss. Our due dates were August 1st and August 2nd. Middle Miss came 2 weeks early, and my friend's daughter was born on her due date of August 2nd. The girls had so much fun playing together. They did homemade bubbles. Have to get the recipe for that! They were better then the bubbles from the store! We compared.

So many great pictures! Too many to post! Thank you for inviting us to celebrate!

Blueberry Picking!

My we've been busy. Busy with what, I ask myself. At times I can't remember. So I will start with a recap of what I can.

We took the kids blueberry picking. TWICE! The first time we only had a half an hour before the patch closed. We picked about 4 pounds that day. Good little pickers! Little Man sat happily in his stroller while we picked quickly. The view from the blueberry patch is AMAZING! I haven't been in 2 years, and a little has changed. The last time I was there you could not see the windmills. But time means change and change means progress, right?


The next time we went we had a little more time. We picked 8 pounds. Little Man even picked! Daddy gave him a small branch with berries on it and he picked and ate them. Opps. The girls were very good and waited until we checked out, before they ate. We saw a doe with twin fawns on the way home. What a special treat to see God's creation!

AND I got all of the blueberries put up! I'm so proud of my little accomplishment! AND I made 2 batches of Blueberry Buckle, tweaked a little to make it healthier! :) Best Recipe EVER! Check out the recipe here:
And the family LOVED fresh blueberry pancakes too! What else will I be making with my yummy blueberries?? I cannot wait to find out!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile. We've been busy. What have you accomplished you ask? I'm not exactly sure. The other day I realized that we only have 4 more weeks left of summer, before SCHOOL starts! I love school, and my girls do too, however, there's just a lot more to be done on our "to do" list!

I was looking for a picture of it, but I must have taken it on my cell phone. Anyway, the girls and I made up a poster board of all of the activities that we wanted to do this summer. We've gotten a lot of little ones, but the ones like "Camping" and "go to Knoebels" just haven't happened yet. I'm still hoping we can make it happen!

I've been just trying to enjoy my kids. Being away from them really made me think about enjoying each moment with them, and teaching them what life is really about. Giving thanks to God in EVERY season... I will tell you more about my trip in another post. :) I will say it was...FABULOUS!!! :)

Well, I really need to get back to laundry and cleaning, as I'm not getting much of that done while I'm on here! :)