So I was not having the best started out by oversleeping by an hour! (We've been doing A LOT of that lately) Then hubby having to leave soon after getting up.... Then kids getting started on school. Didn't go so smoothly, when my oldest is saying she doesn't feel well... I gave her the choice to go back to bed, or sit down and get started. She decided to start school. However, we're having a very hard time focusing and getting on task. I don't remember having these kinds of issues myself, so it must be inherited from my husband... who knows!? We did finish school. Now they are upstairs fighting naps... GR! There's a lot of little things that I won't even bother writing down in here, but to sum it up: It was a rough morning!
BUT THEN: I was checking my email and happened to look on the side, where it has the names of people who are "online" at the same time as me... I saw a friend on there that I had recently been looking for. I hadn't talked to her in over 5 years... tried to email her at that address before and it came back to me with an error message. So, imagine my delight when she chatted back to me and it WAS HER! YEA! So super excited was I that I'm sure I sounded a little freakish, but oh well! That's me! Talking to her, even if it was for only a few minutes, made my day! I wish I could talk longer, but I have to at least TRY to get SOMETHING done around here for the day! Hopefully we'll get together in the near future.... Thanks God, for my bad morning turned good. You make all things work together for the good of those who love You and are called by You!